Casey grew up in a Pentecostal upbringing and was exposed to God’s power early in his life. Later in life after college, he was exposed to deliverance ministry specifically through Hungry Generation. Casey heard God clearly at the first Raise to Deliver conference he attended, affirming him that deliverance ministry may look scary, but the journey to freedom is always beautiful. This gave Casey peace and a desire to see the captives set free in Jesus name! Ever since, Casey has participated in Hungry Generation’s monthly prayer lines and digital deliverance as well as performing deliverance in his small group and in one on one meetings. As an Associate Pastor of Hungry Generation, Casey has a passion to serve the local body of Christ through leading a small group, mentoring leaders, and ministering in an intentional way.

He married his wife Morgan on July 21st, 2023, together they serve the local church through serving as team leads on Sundays, ministering to the local congregation, and partnering together to perform one on one deliverances. Casey also equips the body of Christ through biblical teachings on deliverance and inner healing. Join us as we expose the devil through teachings on deliverance and live streams that will set the captives free in Jesus name!